Here we are going to cover most frequently used terminal commands.
1. The first command we gonna use in to open the Cypress Test Runner,
npx cypress open
2. To run all the tests in integration folder
npx cypress run
3. To run specific test under integration folder
npx cypress run --spec "path of your test"
4. To run the test with browser from terminal
npx cypress run --spec "/path/test.js" --headed
5. To run the test headless
npx cypress run --spec "/path/test.js" --headless
6. To run the test in specified browser
npx cypress run --spec "/path/test.js" --browser "chrome"
7. To learn all run commands / Help
npx cypress run --help
8. To have the information of browsers installed
npx cypress info
9. To verify whether cypress installed correctly or not
npx cypress verify
10. To know the version of cypress
npx cypress version